gut health

How to Improve Your Gut Health

Omber Khan
The human body functions very similarly to a complex machine. All its parts and pieces need to be in working order for you to feel like you’re truly at 100%, and your digestive health is no exception.
You may not realize it, but gut health impacts much more than just your stomach. Your mental health, your immune system, and your overall physical well-being all depend on the bacteria in your gut. Without a proper balance of good bacteria, your digestive system can be thrown out of whack with the rest of your body quickly following suit. To keep everything well balanced, it is especially important to pay attention to your gut health.


You may currently be experiencing digestive problems, or you might be simply looking for ways to keep your gut happy. Either way, it is never a bad idea to look into improving your gut health. Read on to learn more about a few easy steps you can take today to start improving your digestive health!

Fix Your Sleep Schedule

gut health

There seems to be an underlying connection between good sleep and gut health. Research indicates that the two may be codependent on each other. Bad sleep can negatively impact your digestive system. Along with that, when your digestive system is in poor health, it can disrupt your sleep. In fact, one study performed in 2014 found that healthy gut bacteria could be disrupted by irregular sleep patterns.

To avoid negatively impacting your digestive health, you should aim to achieve seven or more hours of sleep per night, as recommended by the CDC. You can get in the habit of sleeping at least seven hours a night by creating a routine. Heading to bed around the same time each night, even when you don’t feel tired yet, can help you start to develop a routine and stick with it.

If you still find yourself struggling to fall into a good sleep routine, you may want to consider trying a sleep aid. Our Sleep 8 supplement is an all-natural sleep aid that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and experience more restful sleep. When you experience regular, restful sleep, you are helping support your digestive system.

Manage Your Stress Levels

It should come as no surprise that high-stress levels may have a negative impact on your gut health as well. After all, stress can be detrimental to many systems in our bodies. Stress can have an impact on your body from your circulatory health to your immunity. Research indicates that gut health may be disrupted by the following types of stressors: psychological stress, sleep deprivation, disruption of the circadian rhythm, and environmental stress.

If you find yourself struggling with your stress levels, you may want to try out some stress management techniques. For those who prefer more laidback relaxation, deep breathing exercises and meditation can be great ways to ground yourself and release stress. And, for those who prefer movement or a more active approach, yoga and different types of stretches like progressive muscle relaxation may be useful alternatives.

Exercise Frequently

Regular exercise should be an integral part of every healthy lifestyle. But did you know that exercise can also positively impact your digestive health? A recent review of research surrounding exercise and gut health found that exercise could potentially benefit your gut’s microbiome in the following ways:

  • Diversify the population of bacteria.
  • Improve the ratio of bacteria.
  • Encourage the generation of new bacteria.
  • Protect against gastrointestinal diseases.

And remember, exercise doesn’t have to be intense! The current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week for the average adult. This can involve anything from a brisk 30-minute walk to playing a game of basketball with a friend. Simply aim to raise your heart rate and start to break a sweat.

Try a Probiotic or Prebiotic

As you embark on your gut health journey, there are two words you’ll be seeing quite often: probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics refer to foods and supplements that contain good bacteria. Prebiotics, on the other hand, are high-fiber foods that act as fuel for those bacteria. Both probiotics and prebiotics are consumed with the intention of boosting the balance of healthy bacteria in your gut, whether by adding to the population itself or supporting its growth with a food supply.

You can obtain prebiotics and probiotics from your normal diet if you add certain foods. Prebiotics are found in foods such as garlic, onions, asparagus, and whole grains, while probiotics are prevalent in yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and more.

If you feel as though you’re not getting enough prebiotics and probiotics from your diet alone, you can choose to add a supplement. SELFevolve’s Extra Strength Probiotic 40 provides 40 billion active cultures to help promote your gut health and protect your stomach. This powerful supplement also includes prebiotics for fuel and supports both immunity and energy.

gut health

And, for a blast of nutrition that not only encourages gut health but also provides a rich helping of fruits and vegetables, consider trying our Fruits and Greens powder. This all-in-one product combines a powerful greens powder (containing 9 vegetables and greens), a potent antioxidant powder (containing more than 20 berries, herbs, and fruits), and 14 strains of probiotics to achieve maximum support for your body’s digestive and immune systems. Not to mention, it can even offer up bloating relief alongside extra energy to power through your day.

It’s important to keep in mind that all bodies are different. What works for one person may not be effective for another or could even be dangerous. Before taking any form of supplement, be sure to talk to your doctor to make sure it is a safe and healthy choice for your unique needs.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, maintaining your gut health and living an overall healthy lifestyle work hand-in-hand. By simply regulating your sleep, stress, exercise, and diet, you may be able to start improving your digestive issues and protecting your gut against gastrointestinal diseases.